Nonlinear graphene quantum capacitors for electro-optics
Owing to its peculiar energy dispersion, the quantum capacitance property of graphene can be exploited in a two-dimensional layered capacitor configuration. Using graphene and boron nitride, respectively, as the electrodes and the insulating dielectric, a strongly nonlinear behavior at zero bias and small voltages is obtained. When the temperature is sufficiently low, the strong nonlinear interaction emerging from the quantum capacitance exhibits a diverse range of phenomena. The proposed structure could take over the functionalities of nonlinear elements in many cryogenic quantum systems, and in particular, quantum electro-optics. It is shown that ultrastrong coupling is easily reached with small number of pump photons at temperatures around 1 K and capacitor areas of the order of 1 μm2. A measure of anharmonicity is defined and as potential applications, a qubit design as well as schemes for non-reciprocal devices such as an electromagnetic frequency circulator are discussed.