Publications (Chih-Wei Hu)
Summary of publications from 2007–2017
SCI Journal articles (total: 12, corresponding or in the first name: 2)
Chieh Hou, Yuh-Fan Su, Chia-Chin Chang, ∗ , Chih-Wei Hu, Tsan-Yao Chen, Shun-Min Yang, Jow-Lay Huang „ The synergistic effects of combining the high energy mechanical milling and wet milling on Si negative electrode materials for lithium ion battery “ Journal of Power Sources 2017(accepted ,Proofreading )
Tsan-Yao Chen,* Sun-Tang Chang, Chih-Wei Hu, Yen-Fa Liao, Ying Jhen Sue, Yang-Yang Hsu, Kaun-Wen Wang, and Yu-Ting Liu „ Self-aligned synthesis of NiPt-alloycore@Ptshell nanocrystal with contrivable heterojunction structure and oxygen reduction activity“ CrystEngComm 2016,10.1039/C6CE01182A (IF 2014: 4.034; ranking on 2/23, Crystallography; total cite: 0)
Tsan-Yao Chen*, Y.T. Liu, Ping-Ching Wu, Chih-Wei Hu, Po-Wei Yang, Liang-Ching Hsu, Chih-Hao Lee and Chia-Chin Chang*„ Lithiation induced crystal restructure of hydrothermal prepared Sn/TiO2 nanocrystallite with substantial enhanced the capacity and cycling performance for lithium-ion battery“ RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 48620 - 48629 (IF 2014: 3.84; ranking on 31/268, Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous), total cites: 0)
Chih-Wei Hu, Kai-Sheng Shih, Tsan-Yao Chen, Hui-Chia Su, Ching-Yu Chiang, Bor-Yuan Shew, Chia-Chin Chang, and Chih-Hao Lee* „Real-time Investigation on the Influences of Vanadium Additives to the Structural Chemical State Evolutions of LiFePO4 for Enhancing the Electrochemical Performance of Lithium-ion Battery“ Journal of Power Sources 2014, 270, 449-456 (IF 2014: 6.217, ranking on 6/420, Energy Engineering and Power Technology, total cite: 1)
A. Bobrikov, A. M. Balagurov, Chih-Wei Hu, Chih-Hao Lee,Tsan-Yao Chen, Sangaa Deleg, D. A. Balagurov „Structural evolution in LiFePO4-based battery materials: In-situ and ex-situ time-of-flight neutron diffraction study“ Journal of Power Sources 2014, 258, 356-364 (IF 2014: 6.217, ranking on 6/420, Energy Engineering and Power Technology, total cite: 8)
Chih-Wei Hu, Neeraj Sharma, Ching-Yu Chiang, Hui-Chia Su, Vanessa K. Peterson, Han-Wei Hsieh, Yu-Fang Lin, Wu-Ching Chou, Bor-Yuan Shew · Chih-Hao Lee „Real-Time Investigation of the Structural Evolution of Electrodes in a Lithium-Ion Battery Containing V-Added LiFePO4 Cathode Using In-Situ Publications: Chih-Wei Hu (胡芝瑋) Mar. 28, 2017 2 Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction“ Journal of Power Sources 2013, 244, 158-163 (IF 2014: 6.217, ranking on 6/420, Energy Engineering and Power Technology, total cite:16)
Yu-Chun Chen, Tai-Feng Hung, Chih-Wei Hu, Ching-Yu Chiang, Chun-Wei Huang, Hui-Chia Su, Ru-Shi Liu, Chih-Hao Lee, and Chia-Chin Chang,, Rutile-type (Ti,Sn)O2 nanorods as efficient anode materials toward its lithium storage capabilities“ Nanoscale 2013, 5, 2254-2258 (IF 2014: 7.394; ranking on 19/243, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, total cite: 3)
Ching-Yu Chiang, Hui-Chia Su, Pin-Jiun Wu, Heng-Jui Liu, Chih-Wei Hu, Neeraj Sharma, Vanessa K Peterson, Han-Wei Hsieh, Yu-Fang Lin, Wu-Ching Chou, Chih-Hao Lee, Jyh-Fu Lee, Bor-Yuan Shew,, Vanadium substitution of LiFePO4 cathode materials to enhance the capacity of LiFePO4-based lithium-ion batteries“ Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012, 116, 24424–24429 (IF 2014: 4.772; ranking on 19/243, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, total cite: 15)
NV Dang, Ha M Nguyen, Pei-Yu Chuang, Jie-Hao Zhang, TD Thanh, Chih-Wei Hu, Tsan-Yao Chen, Hung-Duen Yang, VD Lam, Chih-Hao Lee, LV Hong,, Structure and magnetism of BaTi1-xFexO3-δ multiferroics“ Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 111, 07D915 (IF 2014: 2.183; ranking on 46/240, Physics and Astronomy, total cite: 2)
Ha M Nguyen, NV Dang, Pei-Yu Chuang, TD Thanh, Chih-Wei Hu, Tsan-Yao Chen, VD Lam, Chih-Hao Lee, LV Hong,, Tetragonal and hexagonal polymorphs of BaTi1− xFexO3− δ multiferroics using x-ray and Raman analyses“ Applied Physics Letters 2011, 99, 20250 (IF 2014: 3.302; ranking on 16/240, Physics and Astronomy, total cite: 11)
Chih-Hao Lee, Hsin-Ho Chang, Hui-Chia Su, Yu-Han Wu, Chih-Wei Hu, LJ Chang, A Ioffe, K Bussmann, Th Brückel,, Neutron depolarization study on the magnetic correlation length of nickel ferrite with different packing densities“ Physica B: Condensed Matter 2009, 404, 2565-2567 (IF 2014: 1.319; ranking on 217/635, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, total cite: 0)
Hui-Chia Su, Chih-Wei Hu, Jinn-Jer Peir, Chih-Hao Lee,, The commissioning of a neutron scattering beamline at Tsing Hua Open Pool Reactor‘‘Chinese Journal of Physics 2007, 45, 374-382 (IF 2014: 0.413; ranking on 183/240, Physics and Astronomy, total cite: 6)
Submitted journal papers under review and papers in preparation (2)
Chih-Wei Hu, Po-Wei Yang, Chih-Hao Lee, Tsan-Yao Chen* ,and Chia-Chin Chang*, Real Time XRD study on structural evolution of Silicon-based
Publications: Chih-Wei Hu (胡芝瑋)
Mar. 28, 2017 3
anode materials in lithium-ion battery‘‘ (submitted to JPS)
Chih-Wei Hu, Pin-Jiun Wu, and Chih-Hao Lee,, Studies on the electronic structure and band gap of LiFePO4 and LiFePO4:V‘‘ (in preparation)
Conference proceeding (2)
Chih-Hao Lee, Chih-Wei Hu, Tsan-Yao Chen, Hui-Chia Su, Ching-Yu Chiang, and Bor-Yuan Shew,, Real-time XRD and XAS investigation on the influences of vanadium additives to the structural chemical state evolutions of LiFePO4 of alithium-ion battery‘‘ The 29th european crystallographic meeting, ActaCryst.(2015). A71,s343.
Hui‐Chia Su, Chih‐Hao Lee, Hsin‐Ho Chang, Yu‐Han Wu, Chih‐Wei Hu, LJ Chang, A Ioffe, HT Kraan,, The Commissioning af a Three Dimensional Depolarized Neutron Beamline For Studying The Magnetic Correlation Length of a Magnetic Material at Tsing Hua Open‐Pool Reactor” AIP Conference Proceedings 2010, 1202, 54