Principle Investigator

Tsan-Yao Chen 陳燦耀
Professor at National Tsing Hua University.
With more than 10 years of experience in Materials Characterization and 6 years experience in electronic device (MEMS and IC) failure analysis of multiple executives by Synchrotron Light Source Techniques (at NSRRC, Taiwan).
Conducting fundamental materials development in green energy applications including solar cell, fuel cell, and CO2 conversion, water sensing with worldwide collaboration at National rank research team in Russia, USA, Italy, Japan (SPring-8), and UK.
Hosting research projects from academic and industrial funds on physical chemistry researches and environment sensing technologies.
Ph.D at Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University
Working / Academic experiences:
Vise-department chairman & associate-professor , Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University (2018.8 - now )
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University (2014.02 - 2018.8)
Senior Engineer, Qualcomm MEMS Technologies manufactory Co. Ltd (2013.07 - 2014.01)
Principle Engineer, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactory Co. Ltd (2012.11 - 2013.06)
Adjunct assistant professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, National I-Lan University (2012.02 - 2012.07)
Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University (2009.11 - 2012.11)
Visiting Scholar, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, USA (2007.8 – 2008.7)
Postdoctoral fellow
PhD students

Master Students

Undergraduate Students

Alumni_Post Doc







Contact information: 目前工作:清大材料博士 wuikea8586@gmail.com Educational background: 2019.07~now Department of Engineering and System Science,National Tsing Hua University 2018.09~2019.07 Institute of Molecular Medicine and Bioengineering,National Chiao Tung University 2014.09~2018.06 Department of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering,National Taipei University of Technology Field of research: Catalyst on the oxygen reduction reaction

Contact information: 目前工作:南亞 tony971122@gmail.com Educational background: dept. of Electrical engineering Program C,Yuan Ze University Electrical engineering Program C Field of Research : materials of Biocompatibility

Contact information: 目前工作: a117345055@gmail.com Educational background: dept. of material science,National University of Tainan Field of research: Oxygen Reduction & Fuel cell stacks






目前工作:美光 Educational background: dept. of materials science and engineering,National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Field of research: Catalyst on oxygen reduction reaction

Contact information: 目前工作:GG teddy01070107@gmail.com Educational background: dept. of material and mineral resources engineering,National Taipei University of Technology Field of Research : Carbon dioxide reduction

Contact information: 目前工作:GG john15532smith@gmail.com Educational background: Field of research: Catalyst on thermalcatalytic carbon dioxide reduction reaction with GC system

Contact information: 目前工作:GG wl00470593@gmail.com Educational background: Field of research: Catalyst on the oxygen reduction reaction

Contact information: md0160247@gmail.com Educational background: Field of research: CO2 Reduction Reaction

Contact information: 目前工作:晶相 colorful032@gmail.com Educational background: dept. of physics,National Changhua University of Education Field of research: Catalyst on oxygen reduction reaction

Contact information: 目前工作:利物浦博士班 barisakbali1991@gmail.com Educational background: dept. of physics,Izmir Institute of technology Field of Research : Raman Spectroscopy, First-principle calculations, TMD and perovskite synthesis, and photoluminescence spectroscopy.