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Crystal shape controlled H2 storage rate in nanoporous carbon composite with ultra-fine Pt nanoparticle

H2 storage technologies / materials
Important issues to be clarified before finding H2 storage mechanism of carbon supported Pt

1. Does H2 really exist in carbon materials?

           Sorption isotherm

           Neutron Scattering transmittance

2. Where is the H2 molecule located in?

3. What is the chemical / physical state of H2 molecule in carbon materials

           H2 stored in carbon surface by physical sorption with rotation

           momentum – inelastic neutron scattering

4. H2 splitting pathways at air- catalysts interface

5. H2 storage pathways at catalysts - carbon interface

           Spillover H2 decomposition and relocation – DFT calculation

Does H2 really exist in carbon materials?
Previous results on Pt/C in H2 storage

1. Surface ratio of NC related to shape – VEDO

             Surface ratio affected by size and shape of NC:

             In a fixed particle size → surface ratio controlled by shape!!!

2. Average particle size and size distribution of NP – SAXS / XRD

3. Oxidation state and atomic structure of NP – XAS

4. H2 dissociation activity of Pt@C NPs in different shapes

5. H2 sorption mechanism of Pt@C NPs in different shapes

Sample characterizations:
H2 sorption mechanism of Pt@C NPs in different shapes
Strong Ea refers to easy H2 dissociation

Project In H2 Storage


The authors appreciate the kindly arrangement of talk contributed to seminar talk in CHE NTHU

The authors thank the staff at National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC), Hsinchu, Taiwan for the help with various synchrotron-based measurements.

T.-Y. Chen acknowledges the funding support from the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (N103K30211 and 103N1200K3) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST 103-2112-M-007-022-MY3 and MOST 105-3113-E-006-019-CC2).

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